The Approach-Avoidance Job Crafting Scale (AAJCS) builds on our adjusted version of a hierarchical structure of job crafting (Zhang & Parker, 2019). In developing and validating the new AAJCS, we, first, developed the German items in a stepwise procedure (Pilot Study). Second, we tested the factor structure and reliability (Study 1). Third, we replicated previous results and tested the construct validity (Study 2). Fourth, we ensured the criterion validity of the AAJCS (Study 3). The results suggested the existence of two independent factors, namely, approach and avoidance crafting, rather than a global job crafting factor. Furthermore, approach and avoidance crafting each consist of four job crafting dimensions, thus reflecting the hierarchical structure of job crafting. Within these dimensions, aspects of previous job crafting concepts are integrated. The distinction between approach and avoidance crafting became apparent in the comparison of their criterion validities as follows: approach crafting was positively related to work-related outcomes, while avoidance crafting was negatively associated with work engagement and performance. Furthermore, approach and avoidance crafting exhibited incremental validity with regard to predict work engagement and performance beyond previous job crafting concepts. Approach crafting was positively associated while avoidance crafting was negatively associated with work engagement and performance.