In modern conditions, there is an objective need for the development of GIS in the work of nature reserves and national parks of Russia to improve the quality of solving scientific and environmental problems. The purpose of the study was to use geo-modeling of the soil cover for the territory of the “Basegi” Reserve (the Basegi Range, Middle Urals) using the method of generalized spatial analysis. For research, topographic maps, satellite images with high spatial resolution of up to 5 meters were used; GIS software; soil section data. In the course of work, large arrays of spatially distributed data were processed, which necessitated the structuring of information and the creation of databases. Based on the digital elevation model, the boundaries of geosystems of catchment areas and high-altitude plant formations are determined. For each plant group, the most favorable height range for their development is distinguished. Within the catchment areas of the rivers, the elements of their structural organization are distinguished: river channels, inner valley, sloping surfaces of the catchment, drainage funnels, fands, arcs. It has been established that basin formation is more active on the western slopes of the ridge, which leads to a “deformation” of the structure of the existing altitudinal zonation of the soil and vegetation cover. Electronic thematic maps on the main soil formation factors have been created for the territory of the “Basegi” Reserve. Based on a generalized spatial analysis, indicative relationships are established between vegetation, elevation, exposure and slope steepness, structural elements of the river catchment, and soils. Soil contours for the entire territory were digitized using satellite images, an automated method of decoding remote sensing data, taking into account all factors of soil formation.
Geo-modeling of the soil cover on the basis of a generalized spatial analysis of the territory of the “Basegi” Reserve has allowed us to create a model of the structural organization of soils in space. The combined use of the basin method and geographic information technologies give high accuracy (80-90 %) when used for difficult natural conditions.