Kortelainen, M., McDonnell, J., Nazarewicz, W., Olsen, E., Reinhard, P.-G., Sarich, J., . . . Pastore, A. (2015
IntroductionThe development of a universal nuclear energy density functional (EDF) capable of explaining and predicting static and dynamic properties of atomic nuclei is one of the important goals in the low-energy nuclear physics. This was also one of the main research efforts in the UNEDF SciDAC-2 project [1]. During this project, the Skyrme-like EDFs unedf0 [2], unedf1 [3], and unedf2 [4] were developed. The nuclear EDF is a key element in the nuclear density functional theory (DFT). At present, DFT is the only microscopic theory which can be applied throughout the entire nuclear landscape. Because parameters of the nuclear EDF cannot be precalculated with sufficient accuracy from any theory, they must be calibrated to experimental input. An important aspect of the UNEDF project and the calibration of these EDFs was the joint collaboration of physicists, applied mathematicians, and computer scientists working together toward a common goal.With the unedf0 EDF we established our EDF parameter optimization procedure. By incorporating recent developments in optimization techniques and increased computational power, the optimization could be carried out for the first time at the deformed Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) level. Since deformation properties of unedf0 were found to be inadequate, the unedf1 optimization Nuclear Energy Density Optimization: UNEDF2 The parameters of the unedf2 nuclear energy density functional (EDF) model were obtained in an optimization to experimental data consisting of nuclear binding energies, proton radii, odd-even mass staggering data, fission-isomer excitation energies, and single particle energies. In addition to param-eter optimization, sensitivity analysis was done to obtain parameter uncertainties and correlations. The resulting unedf2 is an all-around EDF. However, the sensitivity analysis also demonstrated that the limits of current Skyrme-like EDFs have been reached and that novel approaches are called for.