We present new results for the jet-veto efficiency and zero-jet cross section in Higgs production through gluon fusion. We incorporate the N 3 LO corrections to the total cross section, the NNLO corrections to the 1-jet rate, NNLL resummation for the jet p t and LL resummation for the jet radius dependence. Our results include known finite-mass corrections and are obtained using the jet-veto efficiency method, updated relative to earlier work to take into account what has been learnt from the new precision calculations that we include. For 13 TeV collisions and using our default choice for the renormalisation and factorisation scales, µ 0 = m H /2, the matched prediction for the jet-veto efficiency increases the pure N 3 LO prediction by about 2% and the two have comparable uncertainties. Relative to NNLO+NNLL results, the new prediction is 2% smaller and the uncertainty reduces from about 10% to a few percent. Results are also presented for the central scale µ 0 = m H .