Conflicto de intereses: Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de intereses Imágenes: Los autores declaran haber obtenido las imágenes con el permiso de los pacientes Política de derechos y autoarchivo: se permite el autoarchivo de la versión post-print (SHERPA/RoMEO) Licencia CC BY-NC-ND. Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivar 4.0 Internacional Universidad de Salamanca. Su comercialización está sujeta al permiso del editor Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca / CC BY-NC-ND [2] Rev. ORL, 20xx, x, x, pp. xx-xx cional, así mismo se identificó que el uso significativo de antibióticos orales, más allá de la terapia tópica, no es del todo eficaz para evitar recidivas y complicaciones. PALABRAS CLAVE Epidemiologia y clínica de las patologías ambulatorias del oído; Uso de antihistamínicos; Terapia prologada con antibióticos orales y tópicos, OMC y otomicosis en adultos SUMMARY Introduction and objective: Otorhinolaryngology pathology has a high incidence in acute and chronic conditions in the ENT outpatient clinic, despite this; there are no accurate, reliable and standardized statistical data on the epidemiological profile of ambulatory otology pathologies in our setting. The objective of this study was to describe the clinical, epidemiological, treatment and follow-up characteristics of the three outpatient otological pathologies frequently diagnosed in the otorhinolaryngological consultation in our region. Method: A retrospective observational study was carried out in 312 patients with otological pathologies; the variables studied were processed through the IBM-SPSS® statistical program, applying a descriptive statistical technique. Results: The three most frequent outpatient diagnoses were: chronic otitis media in 60.6%, predominated in women with 44%; 12.8% presbycusis, in which there was no sex distinction and 12.17% otomycosis affecting women in 65.7%. They had a higher prevalence in people older than 51 years, from the urban area, without any professional training, manifesting as hearing loss, otorrhea, otalgia and otic pruritus, referred in isolation or in combination. It was evident that otomicroscopy, impedanciometry and liminal tone audiometry were the main otological techniques performed for the diagnosis. Pharmacological treatment in infectious processes was oral and otic ciprofloxacin, oral fluconazole associated clotrimazole or clioquinol otic, the prescription of loratadine was observed in 91.5% of patients with OMC, 40% in patients with presbycusis and 73.6% in patients with otomycosis. The main clinical complications were found in patients with OMC after a second evaluation, which were facial paralysis 2.1% and acquired cholesteatoma associated with chronic otomastoiditis in 0.96%. Discussion: The prevalence and involvement in terms of sex due to OMC, presbycusis and otomycosis disagrees with that obtained in other investigations although its prevalence with respect to age is similar to that reported by other researchers. Complementary diagnostic and treatment techniques are align...