The locations of ribosomal proteins BS8, BS9 and BS20 on the 30s subunit of Bacillus stearothermophilus ribosomes, and of BL3 and BL21 on the 50s subunit, were determined by immunoelectron microscopy. BL3 was found to lie half-way down the body of the 50s subunit on the interface side, below the L7L12 stalk, in agreement with the placement of the corresponding protein in Escherichia coli by neutron-scattering; BL21 was located at a similar position on the solvent side of the subunit, as predicted by cross-linking experiments with E. coli ribosomes. Similarly, BS8 was found in the upper region of the body of the 30s subunit on the solvent side, and BS9 on the top of the head of the subunit, also on the solvent side, both positions being in good agreement with neutron-scattering data and other immunoelcctron microscopy results. In contrast, BS20 was found to lie at the extreme base of the body of the 30s subunit; this placement is not compatible with the location of E. coli S20 by neutron-scattering but fits very plausibly with other biochemical data, such as sites of RNA-protein footprinting on 16s RNA, relating to the location of S20 inImmunoelectron microscopy (IEM) is a long-established method for investigating the distribution of individual ribosomal proteins on the surface of the ribosomal subunits. In the case of the 30s subunit from Eschericlzia coli, our laboratory (Stoffler-Meilicke and Stoffler, 1990) and others (Oakes et al., 1990) have been able to locate epitopes for the majority of the small subunit ribosomal proteins with the help of this technique; the results so far have shown a high level of agreement with the neutron-scattering results of Capel et al. (1988), who have mapped the positions of the mass centers of all 21 of the 30s subunit proteins. In the case of the 50s subunit, the data sets are far less complete, although epitopes for more than half of the proteins have been located by IEM (Stoffler-Meilicke and Stoffler, 1990) and the mass centers of seven proteins have been mapped by neutron-scattering (May et al., 1992). A preliminary model for the positions of 29 of the 50s subunit proteins has been proposed (Walleczek et al., 1988), by combining the IEM data with the results of in siru protcin-protein cross-linking experiments.The more recent IEM studies have turned to the investigation of ribosomal proteins from Bacillus srearothermophi-/us. The overall morphology of ribosomal subunits from this organism is very similar to that observed in E. coli (e.g. Van Heel and Stoffler-Meilicke, 1985). Furthermore, the ribosomal proteins show a high degree of sequence similarity to their counterparts in E. coli (Wittmann-Liebold, 1988) cases so far examined it has been demonstrated that the IEM locations of similar proteins on the ribosomal subunit surfaces are identical in the two organisms (Stoffler-Meilicke et al., 1984;Stoffler and Stoffler-Meilicke, 1986; Hack1 and Stoffler-Meilicke, 1988). This finding has two important consequences. First, it shows that the sequence similarity is indeed r...