Recent studies suggest that DNA topoisomerase II (topo II) is involved in transcriptional activation of certain genes, which assumes accurate targeting of the enzyme to its action site. The target selection may be achieved by cooperation with unknown regulatory factors. To seek out such factors, we looked for proteins associated with the enzyme in differentiating cerebellar neurons. Antibody against topo II co-precipitated RNA-binding proteins including PSF, NonO/p54nrb, as well as hnRNP U/SAF-A/SP120. Reconstitution experiments with tag-purified proteins showed that topo II associates stoichiometrically with SP120 in the presence of RNA that was co-purified with SP120. The most effective RNA species for the complex formation was a subset of cellular polyadenylated RNAs. The C-terminal 187-residue domain of SP120 was necessary and sufficient for the association with both topo II and the endogenous RNA. The RNA isolated from the tag-purified SP120 inhibited the relaxation of supercoiled DNA by topo II. When the enzyme associates with SP120, however, the inhibition was abolished and the catalytic property was modulated to more processive mode, which may prolong its residence time at the genomic target site. Furthermore, the presence of SP120 was required for the stable expression of topo II in vivo. Thus, SP120 regulates the enzyme in dual ways.
DNA topoisomerase II (topo II)2 can be described as an enzyme with two different catalytic activities, deoxyribonuclease and DNA ligase. Between the cleavage and religation of one duplex DNA (G-segment), another duplex (T-segment) is transferred through the gate between the cleaved ends that are held through a covalent linkage to the tyrosine residues of two identical subunits (1). Multiple cycles of these events dissipate the supercoiling or intertwining structures in substrate DNA. Thus, the enzyme plays a major role in cellular processes such as DNA replication, transcription, and recombination (2). Topo II orthologs are widely distributed in organisms from bacteria to mammals and two paralogs, named ␣ and , were first identified in human cells (3). These paralogs (isozymes) that are present in most vertebrates show similar enzymatic properties in vitro but their expression is regulated quite differently. Topo II␣ is essential in cell proliferation because it catalyzes the segregation of daughter chromosomes at the mitotic phase. This role is played by a unique topo II in lower eukaryotes. In contrast, the biological function of topo II had been totally ambiguous until we compared the isozyme expression patterns in developing cerebellar cortex (4, 5). As expected, topo II␣ is the predominant isozyme expressed in proliferating precursors of granule neurons. When cells begin to differentiate after the final cell division, the isozyme expression pattern switches from topo II␣ to topo II. Later studies with cultured granule neurons and topo II-specific inhibitors revealed that the activity of topo II is required for the transcriptional activation of a subset of g...