We show that there is a constraint on the parameter space of two Higgs doublet models that comes from the existence of the stable vortex-domain wall systems. The constraint is quite universal in the sense that it depends on only two combinations of Lagrangian parameters and, at tree level, does not depend on how fermions couple to two Higgs fields. Numerical solutions of field configurations of domain wall-vortex system are obtained, which provide a basis for further quantitative study of cosmology which involve such topological objects.
arXiv:1803.04662v3 [hep-ph] 13 Sep 20181 Since the fermion sector breaks the CP symmetry, even if we take m 2 12 and β 5 to be real values, fermion loop contributions renormalize these parameters to be complex numbers. We will discuss the effect of explicit CP breaking terms in Sec. VI. 2 In the literature, it is often expressed as Φ 1 = e −iζ (0, v 1 ) T , Φ 2 = (0, v 2 ) T , or Φ 1 = (0, v 1 ) T , Φ 2 = e iζ (0, v 2 ) T . These are equivalent to Eq. (4) with α = ζ/2 up to gauge transformation.