A state amalgamation of a directed graph is a node contraction which is only permitted under certain configurations of incident edges. In symbolic dynamics, state amalgamation and its inverse operation, state splitting, play a fundamental role in the theory of subshifts of finite type (SFT): any conjugacy between SFTs, given as vertex shifts, can be expressed as a sequence of symbol splittings followed by a sequence of symbol amalgamations. It is not known whether determining conjugacy between SFTs is decidable. We focus on conjugacy via amalgamations alone and consider the simpler problem of deciding whether one can perform $k$ consecutive amalgamations from a given graph. This problem also arises when using symbolic dynamics to study continuous maps, where one seeks to coarsen a Markov partition in order to simplify it. We show that this state amalgamation problem is NP-complete by reduction from the hitting set problem, thus giving further evidence that classifying SFTs up to conjugacy may be undecidable.