“…This section presents almost all the notations we need for this paper. Figure 3 is a useful reference for the notation.˜ j is the effective arrival rate to node j = j (1− p K ), is the external Poisson arrival rate to the network, j (S) is the mean service rate at node j, c is the vector number of servers, ∈ (0, 1) is the threshold for the blocking probability, B j is the buffer capacity at node j excluding those in service, K j is the buffer capacity at node j including those in service, N is the number of stations in the network, p K is the blocking probability of finite queue of size K , p j 0 is the unconditional probability that there is no customer in the service channel at node j (either being served or being held after service), =˜ /( c) is the proportion of time each server is busy, 2 is the squared coefficient of variation of the service time, T s , x is the server allocation vector of decision variables in the optimization routine, is the mean throughput rate, and is the threshold mean throughput rate.…”