An extended Bose-Hubbard model (EBHM) with three-and four-body constraints can be feasible in cold atoms in an optical lattice. A rich phase structure including various symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases is obtained numerically with suitable parameter settings and particle filling. The SPT phase is characterized by the Berry phase as a local topological order parameter and the structure of the entanglement spectrum (ES). Based on the presence of various topological phases, separated by gapless phase boundaries, the EBHM exhibits various bosonic topological pumps, which are constructed by connecting the different SPT phases without gap closing. The bulk topological pumps exhibit the plateau transitions characterized by many-body Chern numbers. For the system with boundary, the center of mass (CoM) under grand canonical ensemble elucidates the contributions of multiple edge states and reveals the topology of the system. We demonstrate that the interacting bosonic pumps obey the bulk-edge-correspondence.