Responses of the four growth models to random disruptions, plotted as (a) supply availability rate, (b) size of LFSN, (c) average supply path length in LFSN, and (d) maximum supply path length in LFSN. .. .. .. .. 92 3.7 Responses of the four growth models to targeted attacks, plotted as (a) supply availability rate, (b) size of LFSN, (c) average supply path length in LFSN, and (d) maximum supply path length in LFSN. .. .. .. .. 94 3.8 Resilience scores of the four growth models to random disruptions. .. . 95 3.9 Resilience scores of the four growth models to targeted attacks, plotted as (a) 0-80 percent of nodes removed, and (b) 5-30 percent of nodes removed 96 3.10 Aggregated resilience scores of the four growth models under random disruptions and targeted attacks, plotted as (a) 0-80 percent of nodes removed, and (b) 5-30 percent of nodes removed .