The last few years have seen an explosion of interest in hydrodynamic effects in interacting electron systems in ultra-pure materials. In this paper we briefly review the recent advances, both theoretical and experimental, in the hydrodynamic approach to electronic transport in graphene, focusing on viscous phenomena, Coulomb drag, non-local transport measurements, and possibilities for observing nonlinear effects.Hydrodynamics describes a great variety of phenomena around (and inside) us, including, e.g., the flow of water in rivers, seas, and oceans, atmospheric phenomena, aircraft motion, the flow of petroleum in pipelines, or the blood flow through blood vessels in humans and animals. It has been realized a long time ago that the flow of electrons in a conductor should, under certain circumstances, also obey the laws of hydrodynamics. In particular, Gurzhi 1,2 predicted that electrons can exhibit a Poiseuille-type flow 3,4 analogous to that of liquids in pipes. This should result in an initial power-law decrease of resistivity with the transverse cross-section of a sample and temperature, leading to a pronounced minimum. It has turned out, however, that an experimental realization of such a regime in a metal or a semiconductor is a highly non-trivial task. Three decades have passed before de Jong and Molenkamp 5 observed the Gurzhi effect, and even in that work the magnitude of the effect did not exceed 20%.Why is it so difficult to implement electron hydrodynamics in a laboratory experiment? In contrast to molecules of a conventional liquid, electrons move in the environment formed by the crystal lattice. Therefore, the electrons experience not only collisions among themselves, but also scatter off thermally excited lattice vibrations -phonons -as well as various lattice imperfections (impurities). The hydrodynamic regime is realized when the frequency of electron-electron collisions is much larger than the rates of both, electron-phonon and electron-impurity scattering. These two requirements limit the temperature window for the hydrodynamic flow both from above and from below, and may even be in a conflict with each other. In a typical solid, the elastic impurity scattering dominates electronic transport at low temperatures, whereas at high temperatures the leading mechanism is the electron-phonon scattering. Thus, the requirement of the electron-electron scattering being the fastest process -which is the key condition for the hydrodynamics -may only be satisfied, if at all, in an intermediate temperature range. It turns out that this regime is not well developed in conventional conductors, with the possible exception of the ultrahigh-mobility GaAs quantum wells 6-8 exhibiting negative magnetoresistance 9 and ultra-pure palladium cobaltate 10 . The experimental discovery of graphene 11 has given a new boost to the research in the field of quantum transport. In particular, it has been realized that, among other remarkable properties, graphene is an excellent material for the realization of hydrodynamic flo...