Let f be a rational map with degree d ≥ 2 whose Julia set is connected but not equal to the whole Riemann sphere. It is proved that there exists a rational map g such that g contains a buried Julia component on which the dynamics is quasiconformally conjugate to that of f on the Julia set if and only if f does not have parabolic basins and Siegel disks. If such g exists, then the degree can be chosen such that deg(g) ≤ 7d − 2. In particular, if f is a polynomial, then g can be chosen such that deg(g) ≤ 4d + 4. Moreover, some quartic and cubic rational maps whose Julia sets contain buried Jordan curves are also constructed. 3. From semi-buried to buried 13 3.1. Cutting along the equipotentials II 13 3.2. Annulus-to-disk and annulus-to-annulus coverings II 16 3.3. Uniformization II 16 3.4. The buried property 17 4. The first case of exactly one attracting cycle 18 5. The second case of exactly one attracting cycle: dendrite 19 6. The quartic Julia sets containing buried Jordan curves 23 6.1. The position of the critical orbits 23 6.2. The Julia set moves holomorphically 24 6.3. The semi-buried component and buried Jordan curves 26 7. The cubic Julia sets containing buried Jordan curves 27 References