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The Effects of Membrane Thickness and Asymmetry in the Topology
Optimization of Stiffeners for Thin Shell Structures
Mariano Victoria
Study into the Effects of Membrane Thickness and Asymmetry in the Topology Optimization of Stiffeners for Thin Shell StructuresThin walled shell structures are extensively used in architecture and engineering due to their lightweight and ease of shaping. But they suffer from poor overall stiffness, something addressed by the strategic addition of stiffeners. The optimization of stiffeners is divided between those which include shell membrane in the optimization and those which do not. However, no studies were found which indicate when it is necessary or valid to use either approach. In most cases it was also found that symmetry was forced in the optimization of stiffening layers. These two effects were investigated, concluding that: For membranes with thicknesses less than 20% of the structure, they do not affect the final topology; and for membrane thicknesses greater than 20%, they must be included in the optimization as they have a considerable effect. When bending and membrane loadings are present, symmetry should not be forced, otherwise sub-optimal designs are generated.