“…Previous integral formulas for Milnor's triple linking number and attempts to define a higher order helicity can be found in the work of Massey,16,38 Monastyrsky and Retakh, 39 Berger,40,41 Guadagnini, Martellini, and Mintchev, 42 Evans and Berger, 43 Akhmetiev and Ruzmaiken, 44,45 Arnold and Khesin, 34 Laurence and Stredulinsky, 46 Leal, 47 Hornig and Mayer, 48 Rivière, 49 Khesin, 50 Bodecker and Hornig, 51 Auckly and Kapitanski, 13 Akhmetiev,52 and Leal and Pineda. 53 The principal sources for these formulas are Massey triple products in cohomology, quantum field theory in general, and Chern-Simons theory in particular.…”