Momentum transport is anomalous in chiral p + ip superfluids and superconductors in the presence of textures and superflow. Using the gradient expansion of the semi-classical approximation, we show how gauge and Galilean symmetries induce an emergent curved spacetime with torsion and curvature for the quasirelativistic low-energy Majorana-Weyl quasiparticles. We explicitly show the emergence of the spin-connection and curvature, in addition to torsion, using the superfluid hydrodynamics. The background constitutes an emergent quasirelativistic Riemann-Cartan spacetime for the Weyl quasiparticles and they satisfy the conservation laws associated with local Lorentz symmetry, restricted to the plane of uniaxial anisotropy of the superfluid (or -conductor). Moreover, we show that the anomalous Galilean momentum conservation is a consequence of the gravitational Nieh-Yan (NY) chiral anomaly the Weyl fermions experience on the background geometry. Notably, the NY anomaly coefficient features a non-universal ultraviolet cut-off scale Λ, with canonical dimensions of momentum. Comparison of the anomaly equation and the hydrodynamic equations suggests that the value of the cut-off parameter Λ is determined by the normal state Fermi liquid and non-relativistic uniaxial symmetry of the p-wave superfluid or superconductor.
PACS numbers:Introduction. -Topological phases can be classified in terms of quantum anomalies that are robust to interactions and other perturbations [1-3]. Protected emergent quasi-relativistic fermi excitations coupled to gauge fields and geometry arise as dictated by topology and anomaly inflow [4][5][6]. In particular gapless fermions with Weyl spectrum and chiral anomalies are a recent prominent example [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. On the other hand, topological phases and their coupling to geometry (and gravity) is currently a rapidly advancing subject. The well-established results concern the Hall viscosity [17] and chiral central charge [18][19][20] related to gravitational anomalies [21][22][23] and thermal transport in quantum Hall systems, topological superfluids (SFs) and superconductors (SCs), as well as semimetals [24-48, 66, 72, 83], the case of SFs and SCs being especially important due to the lack of conserved charge. Any purported topological response of geometrical origin is necessary more subtle than that based on gauge fields with conserved charges due to the inherent dichotomy between topology and geometry.Topologically protected Weyl quasiparticles arise also in three-dimensional chiral p-wave SFs and SCs [5,49]. As any chiral fermion in three dimensions, they suffer from the chiral anomaly in the presence of non-trivial background fields, now as an anomaly where momentum is transferred from the order parameter fluctuations to the quasiparticles [49-55],