The detailed study on the binuciear neterocycies by using uv, (H-and 1%-nmr spectroscopy, as well as mass spectrometry, 18 also Provided. The synthesis and spectral data (uv, if, lH-and t3C-nmr) o f the ruthenium(l1) tris-chelates is also included.
HTRODUCTIONA wide v a r i e t y of binuclear heterocyclic ligands which contatn a a-diimine moiety shared by b o t h rings, have been prepared in connection w i t h t h e search f o r 2,2'-bipyridine analogues. In addition, ruthentum(l1) t r i s -c h e l a t e s w i t h these ligands have also been obtained. Ground-
atate, photophysical and photochemical p r o p e r t i e s of t h e resulting complexes have shown t o c o r r e l a t e w i t h t h e n a t u r e of t h e p r e c u r s o r l i g a n d~.~* 2 # 3The photochemical investigation on t h e Ru(ll) complexes has t e s t e d their abtlity t o a c t as e l e c t r o n -t r a n s f e r sensitizers, a class o f compounds which has received particular attention in the last years mainly by their r o l e ~n photoproduction o f hydrogen t h r o u g h water splitting processes4 o r in sensitized organic photoreauction reactions.5
Herein we r e p o r t t h e synthesis of several unsymmetrical chelating ligands o f t h e t y p e 2-(2'-pyridyl)-and 2-(2'-pyrazinyl)-l,3-heteroazole.The nature, number and positlon o f t h e h e t e r o a t o m s contained in t h e five-membered moiety as well as the 1-substitution in imidazole derivatives, have been systematically modified ( Table I). Most of t h e ltgands a r e described in this paper f o r t h e f i r s t time. Anyhow, t h e spectroscoptc charactertiation (uv. 1~-and 1 3~-nmr) and mass s p e c t r a o f these heterocyclic compounds had never reported, thus impeding t o establish some correlations between properties of t h e f r e e and complexed Iigands. F o r t h e sake o f completion, symmetrical binuclear h e t e r o c y c l e s (bi-l,3-heteroazole) and systems including benzoanellated r i n g s (2-(2'-pyridyl)benzoheteroazole) were also prepared.Since t h e main t a r g e t was t h e obtentton of t h e corresponding Ru(ll) tris-chelates, selection of synthettc r o u t e s has been accomplished w i t h a practical criterion: t o choose methods which involve t h e least number o f s t a g e s f r o m t h e most easily available r e a c t a n t s . Therefore, literature procedures have seldom been optimized -7 3 1 -