The use of the 13C(d,n) 14N reaction at Ed=1.5 MeV for accelerator-based boron neutron capture therapy (AB-BNCT) is investigated. Among the deuteron-induced reactions at low incident energy, the 3C(d,n)14N reaction turns out to be one of the best for AB-BNCT because of beneficial materials properties inherent to carbon and its relatively large neutron production cross section. The deuteron beam was produced by a tandem accelerator at MIT's Laboratory for Accelerator Beam Applications (LABA) and the neutron beam shaping assembly included a heavy water moderator and a lead reflector. The resulting neutron spectrum was dosimetrically evaluated at different depths inside a water-filled brain phantom using the dual ionization chamber technique for fast neutrons and photons and bare and cadmium-covered gold foils for the thermal neutron flux. The RBE doses in tumor and healthy tissue were calculated from experimental data assuming a tumor 10B concentration of 40 ppm and a healthy tissue 10B concentration of 11.4 ppm (corresponding to a reported ratio of 3.5:1). All results were simulated using the code MCNP, a general Monte Carlo radiation transport code capable of simulating electron, photon, and neutron transport. Experimental and simulated results are presented at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10 cm depths along the brain phantom centerline. An advantage depth of 5.6 cm was obtained for a treatment time of 56 min assuming a 4 mA deuteron current and a maximum healthy tissue dose of 12.5 RBE Gy.