Total electron-detachment and d charge-transfer cross sections for collisions of 0 and S with atomi hydrogen have been measured for rel or relative collision energies E ranging from 0.1 to 15 eV. At low col-s o an wit atomic lision energies these results are fairl well y e described by a simple Langevin orbiting model and, in the case of 0 (where intermolecular potentials are available) ' l -' ' ona e e, a simp e curve-crossing model is also in reasonable accord with the measurements. Neither 0 + H nor S + H H displays an energetic barrier to associa-ĩ ve etac ment. Charge-transfer cross sections are small for b th t f o sys ems or t' e range of collision energies sampled in the experiment. Associative de ive detachment cross sections are also reported for S +H for E (2 eV; the results appear to resolve an a ol an apparent discrepancy between previous measurements. PACS number(s): 34.50.s, 34.70. +e, 34.20.b