The compositions of glycosidic-bound steroidal alkaloids (SA) of Solanum species used in potato breeding were assessed by capillary gas chromatography using simultaneous nitrogen-specific (NPD) and flameionisation detection (FID) . High concentrations of solanidine glycosides and other steroidal glycoalkaloids, amongst which the teratogenic SA solasodine, were found in tubers and leaves of wild species . In addition unidentified compounds were found, which were most probably SA as was shown by their NPD/FID response ratios . The total glycoalkaloid contents varied from 123 to 7348 mg/kg fresh weight . Tubers of cultivars, corresponding in small size and grown under the same conditions as tubers of the wild species, showed contents of solanidine glycosides which were 2-3 times higher than those of field-grown normal tubers (126-721 vs 40-360 mg/kg fresh weight, respectively) . In some cases the SA compositions of the tubers were markedly different from those of the leaves of the same plant or they varied between accessions of the same species . Also the growing conditions appeared to influence the composition quantitatively and qualitatively .The consequences for potato breeding of utilizing wild Solanum species containing potentially hazardous levels of SA are discussed .