The Centro Nacional de Aceleradores is a user-oriented accelerator facility in Seville, Spain. Its main facilities are a 3 MV tandem accelerator, an 18 MeV proton Cyclotron, a tandetron used for AMS, a compact accelerator used for radiocarbon measurements, a $$^{60}$$
Co irradiator and a PET/CT scanner. The technical specifications and research applications of these facilities are described. A neutron beam line associated to a charged pulsed beam in the tandem allows for time of flight measurements which determine the neutron energy. The use of an adequate stripper gas in the AMS tandetron permits to measure heavy radionuclides with very low detection levels, allowing to perform environmental studies using these radionuclides as tracers. The use of the microbeam in the tandem accelerator allows to apply the ion beam-induced current technique to investigate the spectroscopic properties and radiation hardness of different semiconductor detectors.