The article reveals the concept of tourist discourse, provides its main parameters and characteristics, as well as, through comparative analysis, analyzes
examples reflecting the features of tourist advertising texts in English and Ukrainian. It is difficult to imagine the existence of a modern person without travel
related to professional activities, recreation, the search for new sensations and
many other aspects of human existence. In one area, different cultures are not
suppressed as much as in tourism. In the field of tourism business, advertising is
spreading rather quickly and widely, thanks to the unrelenting interest in tourism
services. So, great attention should be paid to the study of the phenomenon of
advertising text, and in particular the problems of its translation.
Analysis of modern literature has shown that we can talk about the existence of the so-called language of tourism, is universal and does not depend on
a specific language. Also, some authors have developed a concept of algorithmic
translation of tourist texts, which includes several sequential stages.
The results of the study showed that tourism discourse is a subtype of advertising discourse, which contains a number of universal characteristics inherent in
texts written in such diverse languages as English and Ukrainian. Among such
characteristics are: the use of the imperative mood, comparative and superlative
degrees of comparison of adjectives, the choice of emotionally colored, positive
vocabulary in order to influence the potential consumer of travel services. The
findings can be applied in translation practice when working with texts of tourism
discourse, as well as in further research.