“…Antibodies directed against the following proteins were used: Tlk2, SMC1 (all Bethyl), MPM‐2 (Millipore), α‐tubulin (Sigma), γH2AX, histone H3‐pS10 (Upstate), actin, Chk1, Plk1, cyclin B, p53, HSP90α/β (all Santa Cruz), Tlk1, Asf1A, Asf1B, Chk1‐pS317, Cdk1‐pY15 (all Cell Signaling), FLAG (Sigma), and histone H3 (Abcam). The antibody directed at Asf1A‐pS66 was a gift from A. Groth . Secondary antibodies Alexa‐488, Alexa‐568, and Alexa‐633 were from Molecular Probes and horseradish peroxidase‐coupled secondary antibodies from Dako.…”