Agent based modeling (ABM) is a computational approach to modeling complex systems by specifying the behavior of autonomous decision-making components or agents in the system and allowing the system dynamics to emerge from their interactions. Recent advances in the field of Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) have made it feasible to learn the equilibrium of complex environments where multiple agents learn at the same time -opening up the possibility of building ABMs where agent behaviors are learned and system dynamics can be analyzed. However, most ABM frameworks are not RL-native, in that they do not offer concepts and interfaces that are compatible with the use of MARL to learn agent behaviors. In this paper, we introduce a new framework, Phantom, to bridge the gap between ABM and MARL. Phantom is an RL-driven framework for agent-based modeling of complex multiagent systems such as economic systems and markets. To enable this, the framework provides tools to specify the ABM in MARLcompatible terms -including features to encode dynamic partial observability, agent utility / reward functions, heterogeneity in agent preferences or types, and constraints on the order in which agents can act (e.g. Stackelberg games, or complex turn-taking environments). In this paper, we present these features, their design rationale and show how they were used to model and simulate Over-The-Counter (OTC) markets.
CCS CONCEPTS• Software and its engineering → Application specific development environments; • Theory of computation → Multiagent reinforcement learning; Market equilibria.