Well-type NaI(Tl) detectors are beneficial for low-level photon activity measurements because of the near 4 solid angle that can be gained with them. The detection efficiency can differ with the source-to-detector system geometries, the absorption of the photon in the detector material, and attenuation layers in front of the detector face. For these purposes, the absolute efficiency and the coincidence corrections of the well-type sodium iodide detector have been measured at 0.121-1.408 MeV energy range (obtained from 152 Eu, 137 Cs, and 60 Co radioactive isotopes). The covenant between the experimental (present work) and the published theoretical values is good, with the high discrepancies being less than 1%.
Theoretical ViewpointIn the case where an isotropic radiating axial point source is in the detector well-cavity at a distance, ℎ, from cavity bottom (see Figure 1), the path of the photon is well defined by the geometrical solid angle, Ω, subtended by the source-to-detector system at the point of entry. The solid angle is given asThe usage of well-type gamma spectrometry systems is useful for low-level gamma activity measurements. To measure the sample's activity, the photopeak efficiency (FEPE) of the detector for each photon energy is needed. This is usually obtained by the efficiency calibration by the use of standard radioactive sources of identical geometrical shape and dimensions with the samples under study [1]. However, the MC simulations consider the detailed characteristics of the source-to-detector system in calculating the photopeak efficiency. This approach (MC) is inadequate in its accuracy because of the inaccuracy in the parameters accompanying the detector's geometrical dimensions and the structure of the sample [2]. The accuracy is also affected by the uncertainty in nuclear data and the calculation uncertainties of the MC code [3], but these are likely to be as important as the parameters linked with the detector's geometrical dimensions and the material composition of the sample. The physical dimensions provided by suppliers are usually unsatisfactory for accurate efficiency calculations because any slight change in some of these geometrical parameters can cause significant deviations from experimental values. Several studies of the response of -ray spectrometers using MC simulations have been published. Most of the authors report agreement with experimentally obtained efficiency values within 10%. One useful way to stun these complications is the use of the straightforward direct mathematical method [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17] and the experimental measurements. For the polar ( ) and azimuthal ( ) angles, the azimuthal angle, , earns the values from 0 to 2 , while the polar angle, ( ), earns four different values built on the source-to-detector configuration.