The expansion of shopping centers has become an issue of interest in the formation of a transitional space between the shop fronts with a public area. Shopping facilities are expected to accommodate the continuity of motion and good visual on spaces that transition with the surrounding environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the typology forms a transitional space in the front area of the shop building in the shopping center as well as knowing the quality of the visual aspects of continuity of motion-transition space in the front area of the shop building in a shopping center in Malang City. Character formation of transitional space in the shop front has encouraged the emergence of various types and scales of territorial between private space and public space, both physically and psychologically. Building frontage or shop fronts have a high degree of transparency to the area of the road, which can present the appearance of the expansion and territorial psychological. A study of motion-visual continuity transition space in the shopfront of the shopping center utilized a field observation and a sequential photo mapping method. This study analyzes the typology of shop front space and the continuity of visual. The results of this study concluded that the typology forms a transitional space in the front area of the shopping building in the shopping center in Malang, and is inserted interface type that has a good quality of motion-visual continuity on aspects of proximity, similarity, continuity, and closure.