ABSTRACT:We consider three probability measures on subsets of edges of a given finite graph G, namely, those which govern, respectively, a uniform forest, a uniform spanning tree, and a uniform connected subgraph. A conjecture concerning the negative association of two edges is reviewed for a uniform forest, and a related conjecture is posed for a uniform connected subgraph. The former conjecture is verified numerically for all graphs G having eight or fewer vertices, or having nine vertices and no more than 18 edges, using a certain computer algorithm which is summarized in this paper. Negative association is known already to be valid for a uniform spanning tree. The three cases of uniform forest, uniform spanning tree, and uniform connected subgraph are special cases of a more general conjecture arising from the random-cluster model of statistical mechanics. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Random Struct. Alg., 24: 444 -460, 2004 Keywords: negative association; uniform forest; uniform spanning tree; uniform connected graph
THREE RANDOM SUBGRAPHSThroughout this paper, G ϭ (V, E) denotes a finite labeled graph with vertex set V and edge set E. An edge e with endpoints x, y is written e ϭ ͗x, y͘. We assume that G has neither loops nor multiple edges. We shall consider three probability measures on the set of subsets of E, and shall discuss certain results and conjectures concerning these Correspondence to: G. Grimmett