To protect recommender systems against shilling attacks, a variety of detection methods have been proposed over the past decade. However, these methods focus mainly on individual features and rarely consider the lockstep behaviours among attack users, which suffer from low precision in detecting group shilling attacks. In this work, we propose a three-stage detection method based on strong lockstep behaviours among group members and group behaviour features for detecting group shilling attacks. First, we construct a weighted user relationship graph by combining direct and indirect collusive degrees between users. Second, we find all dense subgraphs in the user relationship graph to generate a set of suspicious groups by introducing a topological potential method. Finally, we use a clustering method to detect shilling groups by extracting group behaviour features. Extensive experiments on the Netflix and sampled Amazon review datasets show that the proposed approach is effective for detecting group shilling attacks in recommender systems, and the F1-measure on two datasets can reach over 99 percent and 76 percent, respectively.