A scanning angle (SA) Raman spectroscopy method was developed to simultaneously measure the chemical composition and thickness of waveguide mixed polymer films with varying fractional compositions. In order to test the method, six films of polystyrene-blockpoly(methyl methacrylate), some mixed with poly(methyl methacrylate) homopolymer (PS-b-PMMA:PMMA), and two films of poly(2-vinylnapthalene)-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) (P2VN-b-PMMA) were prepared. The film thickness ranged from 495 to 971 nm. The chemical composition and thickness of PS-b-PMMA:PMMA films was varied by the addition of the PMMA homopolymer and annealing the films in toluene. SA Raman peak amplitude ratios (1001 cm-1 for PS, 812 cm-1 for PMMA, and 1388 cm-1 for P2VN) were used to calculate the refractive index of the polymer film, an input parameter in calculations of the sum square electric field (SSEF). The film thickness was determined by SSEF models of the experimental Raman amplitudes versus the incident angle of light. The average film thickness determined by the developed SA Raman spectroscopy method was within 5% of the value determined by optical profilometry. SA Raman spectroscopy will be useful for in situ label-free analyses of mixed polymer waveguide films.