As jurisdictions throughout the world progress toward performance based building codes, it is important that the proper tools be made available to the engineering profession in order that they may take full advantage of these new codes. There is currently a large body of work written on the subject of performance based or engineered structural fire safety. Unfortunately, most of this information is scattered throughout technical journals from different countries and organizations, and not easily accessible to the practicing engineer. Degree that has not been without difficulties. However, through the technical guidance of many I have finally reached the end. Many thanks are offered to Professor Jonathan Barnett who acted as advisor on this project and who provided much needed course corrections on numerous occasions. Thanks are also extended to Barbara Lane with Ove Arup Partnership in the UK who provided some insight into the "real life" application of these methods, and to the ASCE/SEI Committee on Special Design Issues: Fire Protection who originally conceived of this project. Also thanks are extended to Jimmie Inch who brought this engineer Structural Engineering 101. Last and by no means least, my family, and in particular my wife, who has endured while I have been "absent" for many long hours. iii