ЕКОНОМІЧНА ТА СОЦІАЛЬНА ГЕОГРАФІЯй зміною парадигми у сфері дослідженні безпеки території. З'явилися нові концептуальні підходи, що стали базисом формування безпеки та реалізації управлінського механізму. В Україні ці підходи майже не імплементовані, а отже, потребують додаткового вивчення, переосмислення, виходячи Вступ. Постановка проблеми. Останні два десятиліття у світі позначилися не лише значними природними і техногенними катастрофами з людськими жертвами і економічними збитками, але
RESILIENCE OF THE TERRITORY UNDER BIG CITY INFLUENCE: RISKS, VULNERABILITY, NEW MANAGEMENT APPROACHES Olena DENYSENKOTaras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine vid_dil@meta.ua Abstract: Over the last decades international approaches to determining the resilience of the territory and key mechanisms of its achieving substantially transformed. It is reflected in the goals, objectives and activities of their implementation of Hyogo Framework for action (2005)(2006)(2007)(2008)(2009)(2010)(2011)(2012)(2013)(2014)(2015) and Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction (2015)(2016)(2017)(2018)(2019)(2020)(2021)(2022)(2023)(2024)(2025)(2026)(2027)(2028)(2029)(2030). In Ukraine these approaches are almost not implemented in practice of emergency management, just some of the internationally recognized principles are contained in the Conception of natural hazards and disasters risk management (2014). At the same time it is necessarily to make the sense of some new categories for Ukrainian research and management fields like vulnerability, sensitivity of the territory, response capacity, prevention and mitigation of the risks which are central in the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction.In the paper we analyze the essence of these categories and justify the necessity of their usage for disaster management mechanism transformation, in particular for making strategies on governmental and regional levels. For this aim we analyze the resilience of the territory under big city influence by the case of Kyiv oblast as one of the most vulnerable regions in Ukraine. Revealed peculiarities reflect rather significant differences inside the territory under big city influence by the level of dangerous objects localization and sensitivity, which must be taking into account for implementing the strategy of disaster risk reduction on the regional and local levels. Special accent in the paper we make on the bringing in correspondence the Ukrainian governmental and regional politics in disaster risk management to internationally recognized priorities: broadening of the essence of the category of risk, forming the program of the actions for disaster risk reduction, taking into account the vulnerability of the territory, enhancement of the regional and local levels of the disaster management, engagement of the public participation in disaster management to create disaster-resistant territories.Key words: safety, risk, vulnerability of the territory, big city, disaster risk management, GIS.
UDC: 911.3:351