Piecewise affine (PWA) systems are widely used to model highly nonlinear behaviors such as contact dynamics in robot locomotion and manipulation. Existing control techniques for PWA systems have computational drawbacks, both in offline design and online implementation. In this paper, we introduce a method to obtain feedback control policies and a corresponding set of admissible initial conditions for discrete-time PWA systems such that all the closed-loop trajectories reach a goal polytope, while a cost function is optimized. The idea is conceptually similar to LQR-trees [1], which consists of 3 steps:(1) open-loop trajectory optimization, (2) feedback control for computation of "funnels" of states around trajectories, and (3) repeating (1) and (2) in a way that the funnels are grown backward from the goal in a tree fashion and fill the state-space as much as possible. We show PWA dynamics can be exploited to combine step (1) and (2) into a single step that is tackled using mixed-integer convex programming, which makes the method suitable for dealing with hard constraints. Illustrative examples on contact-based dynamics are presented.benefit of capturing contact dynamics [8,9]. PWA models are also popular in traffic networks [10] and gene circuits [11].Controlling PWA systems is difficult since the controller has to determine both the temporal order of modes and the inputs applied at each one. Completeness is important -not finding a solution when one exists is undesirable. Given an initial condition and a goal, the (optimal) trajectory that steers the state to the goal while respecting the dynamics and state/control constraints can be obtained using mixed-integer convex programming (MICP). Time is discretized to obtain a finite number of decision variables. Given a discrete-time PWA model and a fixed time horizon (steps required to get into the goal), MICP approaches are sound and complete -they find optimal solutions if they exist. However, they come at a large computational price. Their unreliable computation time, even for obtaining a feasible solution instead of the optimal one, hinders online implementation for robotic tasks with fast dynamics. While there is a great deal of research on improving the runtime of MICP solvers, they are still orders of magnitude too slow for most robot control problems.An alternative is to move much of the computational burden to offline phase so the real-time implantation is a lookup table of simple control laws. However, existing approaches are not efficient even for relatively small systems. (Nondeterministic) finite-state abstractions [12] require state/control discretization, which scales poorly in high dimensions. Synthesizing PWA control laws corresponding to stabilizing piecewise quadratic (PWQ) Lyapunov functions was studied in [13,14]. But the state-control partition producing the control laws was assumed to be the same as those of PWA dynamics, which is very restrictive and the method may fail while other solutions exist [14].Multi-parametric programming [15] for mo...