-IoT industry has been highlighted in the domestic and foreign country. Since most IoT systems operate separate servers in Internet to control IoT hardwares, there exists the possibility of security problems. Also, IoT systems in markets use their own hardware controllers and devices. As a result, there are many limitations in adding new sensors or devices and using applications to access hardware controllers. To solve these problems, we have developed a novel IoT hardware control system based on a mobile messenger. For the security, we have adopted a secure mobile messenger, Telegram, which has its own security protection. Also, it can improve the easy of the usage without any installation of specific applications. For the enhancement of the system accessibility, the proposed IoT system supports various network protocols. As a result, there are many possibility to include various functions in the system. Finally, our IoT system can analyze the collected information from sensors to provide useful information to the users. Through the experiment, we show that the proposed IoT system can perform well