for their time, support, motivation, and help whenever necessary in every step of my academic journey. My sincere appreciation is extended to the military air traffic controllers in Korea for expressing their enthusiasm for and willingness to participate in this research. Very special thanks go to CSM Jewon Ryu in the 55 th Air Traffic Service Battalion, who helped me in various ways in both the pilot study and dissertation study. I also extend my thanks to Dr. Byeong-Young Cho at University of Pittsburgh for his friendship and insights into the world of strategic competences and Dr. Alistair Van Moere at Pearson for providing me with Versant Aviation English Tests for this dissertation research. I would also like to acknowledge my PhD colleagues and faculty and staff in the English Department at Iowa State University for their continued support, care, and collaboration. I would further like to thank my colleagues in the Intensive English and Orientation Program (IEOP) at ISU and the Center for Language Research at University of Aizu in Japan for their unwavering encouragement and generous support. My heartfelt thanks go to my sister's family-Seoyoung, Joonyoung, and Dongjoofor their love, support, and laughter when I needed it most. I am deeply indebted to my parents who taught me the value of hard work and perseverance, not to mention their love and prayers. This dissertation is dedicated to my two professors at Keimyung University in Korea, Richard Hark and Yongsang Cho, who had been my greatest inspirations and role models since 1996, but sadly passed away soon after I began the doctoral program. I believe they would be most pleased to see the completion of my PhD journey.