The studies found that doses of nitrogen fertilizers and zinc and copper chelates positively affected the yield of hulles barley grain with foliar fertilizing on ordinary chernozem of the steppe zone of the Omsk region. With a yield of 1.34 t/ha in the control variant, the application of macro- and micro-fertilizers contributed to the formation of 1.40-1.56 t/ha of grain. Nitrogen fertilizing without micronutrients is effective and has led to a significant increase in yield (0.09 - 0.15), as well as the use of micronutrients against nitrogen: 0.09 together with 15 kg of nitrogen and 0.11 together with 30 kg of nitrogen. The increase in yield from the application of zinc and copper separately was also noted, but less significant: 0.04 - 0.07 t/ha. The highest yield was formed when using N30Zn20Cu20. The improvement of plant nutrition conditions with the help of fertilizers mainly has a positive effect on the protein content in grain and nature. It was revealed that the sum of amino acids in the protein increases from 8.39% without fertilizing to a maximum of 10.59 (variants with foliar fertilizing in the tillering phase N15Zn20 and N30Zn20Cu20).