The structure and kinetics of thermal decomposition of polytetrafluol'oethylene suggestcd sev eral m ethods for impro vemcnt of its stability: (a) p olym crization in the presen ce of fluor oca rbo~l catalysts or ph<;>to?hemically to eliminate labile centers for initiation. (b) incluSlOn of foreIg n structural UllitS III the polymer to promote chain t ransfer of t.he free radicals active in d epolymcrization, (c) inclusion of foreign m olecules capable of promoting chain transfer . . The catalysts t ri ed inclu?ed perfluorodimeth ylmcrcury, perfluoromethyl iodide, and fl uorme gas, as well as convent.lOnal catalysts. The foreign structural units and a dditiv~s included .sulfur, seleni um, and a vari ety of hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon groups, maml.y aromatIC, addcd usuall y as dibromides to t he polymerizing mixtme. None of thc cxpeflmental catalysts or additives brought about any change in the rate of thermal d ecomposition.