Some studies suggest that the dust temperatures (𝑇 d ) in high-redshift (𝑧 5) Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) are high. However, possible observational bias in 𝑇 d is yet to be understood. Thus, we perform a simple test using random realizations of LBGs with various stellar masses, dust temperatures, and dust-to-stellar mass ratios, and examine how the sample detected by ALMA is biased in terms of 𝑇 d . We show that ALMA tends to miss high-𝑇 d objects even at total dust luminosity 𝐿 IR > 10 11 L . LBGs are, however, basically selected by the stellar UV luminosity. The dust-temperature bias in a UV-selected sample is complicated because of the competing effects between high 𝑇 d and low dust abundance. For ALMA Band 6, there is no tendency of high-𝑇 d LBGs being more easily detected in our experiment. Thus, we suggest that the observed trend of high 𝑇 d in 𝑧 5 LBGs is real. We also propose that the 450 𝜇m band is useful in further clarifying the dust temperatures. To overcome the current shallowness of 450 𝜇m observations, we examine a future Antarctic 30-m class telescope with a suitable atmospheric condition for wavelengths 450 𝜇m, where the detection is not confusion-limited. We find that, with this telescope, an 𝐿 IRselected sample with log(𝐿 IR /L ) > 11 is constructed for 𝑧 5, and detection in the intermediate-𝑀 ★ (stellar mass) range [9 < log(𝑀 ★ /𝑀 ) < 9.5] is much improved, especially at high 𝑇 d .