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TakedownIf you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing including the URL of the record and the reason for the withdrawal request.Abstract-Output tracking in a SISO causal uncertain nonlinear system with an output subject to a time delay is considered using sliding mode control. A higher order Padé approximation to a delay function with a known time delay is used to construct a model of a transformed system without a time delayed output and is employed in a feedback sliding mode control. This model functions as a predictor of the plant states and the plant output, but is of nonminimum phase due to the application of the Padé approximation. The method of the stable system center is used to stabilize the internal dynamics of this plant model, and a control is developed using a sliding surface to allow the plant to track a arbitrary reference profile given by an exogenous system with a known characteristic equation. Simulations of the system are performed for the plant model using a first, second and third order Padé approximations and a controller in plant feedback mode. Numerical examples for Padé approximations of increasing order are considered and compared.