The translation of news reports frequently makes use of peculiar interventions, largely due to the displacement of a text to a different cultural community. In this study we attempt to describe, categorize, and understand the motivations behind the translation variations found in this journalistic genre by analyzing a parallel corpus compiled from the digital edition of the Spanish newspaper El País, in the language pair Spanish-Portuguese in both directions. We stem from the Bakhtin Circle's concept of speech genre to classify the news report genre and comprehend the particularities of the journalistic domain. Subsequently, we review a set of studies that conceptualize journalistic translation, particularly as found in the writings of Hernández Guerrero (2009Guerrero ( , 2010 and Bielsa and Bassnett (2009), and make use of the functionalist theory of translation, focusing on Nord's model of textual analysis (2016 [1988]) as it allows the analyst to address the indicative intratextual and extratextual factors in the translation of news reports. In the main section of this study, we draw upon the concept of translation norms by Toury (2004 [1995]) and Chesterman (2016), and evoke Chesterman's translation strategies, particularly the pragmatic strategies, to analyze the corpus. Hence, grounded on a functionalist perspective, which associates skopos (the purpose of a translation) with different translation norms, and by conjuring resources from the translation strategies and their possible motivations, we attempt to articulate a set of explanatory hypotheses for understanding the phenomena observed in journalistic translation.