In this study, parents were trained in four sessions to identify problems, conduct a functional assessment, and design an appropriate intervention based on the function of the problem behavior. First, parents were trained to operationally define problem behaviors, given examples of consequences, and discussed the functions of behavior. Second, parents were given examples of antecedents and discussed replacement behaviors. Third, procedures to increase appropriate behaviors were discussed. Fourth, procedures to decrease inappropriate behaviors were discussed. Prior to the first session and after each session, parents watched a videotaped vignette of a child exhibiting a behavior problem and completed a Problem Identification Questionnaire, Problem Analysis Questionnaire, and Intervention Design Questionnaire. A repeated-measures ANOVA was used to test for significant differences on each of the dependent variables. Results indicated that parents' scores on each of the measures improved significantly. Limitations, future research ideas, and implications for school psychologists and other professionals are discussed.