Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic aspects of ectopic pregnancy at the Regional Hospital of Thiès.
Methods and Materials:This is a prospective and descriptive study of patients received for Ectopic Pregnancy (EP) and managed in the gynecology and obstetrics department of the regional hospital of Thiès between 1 July 2013 and 31 December 2014. Diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic aspects were studied. The data was compiled entered and analyzed using the Sphinx version 5 software.
Results:We registered 50 EPs from 695 patients presenting with metrorrhagia in the first trimester, which represents a frequency of 7.2%.The epidemiological profile of the patients was that of a 29 years woman on average, few previous deliveries (28%) and referrals (48%). For the most part it involved a ruptured EP (92%) and of ampulla location (78%). Forty-nine patients (98%) had surgical treatment including 45 salpingectomies (90%). We had one maternal death, representing a 2% mortality rate. Fertility after EP was 33%.Conclusion: EP remains a frequent condition in our hospital. The majority of patients arrive in a state of raptured EP requiring radical surgical interventions