Unlike DNA polymerases, an RNA polymerase must initiate transcription de novo, that is binding of the initiating (؉1) nucleoside triphosphate must be achieved without benefit of the cooperative binding energetics of an associated primer. Since a single Watson-Crick base pair is not stable in solution, RNA polymerases might be expected to provide additional stabilizing interactions to facilitate binding and positioning of the initiating (priming) nucleoside triphosphate at position ؉1. Consistent with base-specific stabilizing interactions, of the 17 T7 RNA polymerase promoters in the phage genome, 15 begin with guanine. In this work, we demonstrate that the purine N-7 is important in the utilization of the initial substrate GTP. The fact that on a template encoding AG as the first two bases in the transcript (as in the remaining two of the T7 genome) transcription starts predominantly (but not exclusively) at the G at position ؉2 additionally implicates the purine O-6 as an important recognition element in the major groove. Finally, results suggest that these interactions serve primarily to position the initiating base in the active site. It is proposed that T7 RNA polymerase interacts directly with the Hoogsteen side of the initial priming GTP (most likely via an interaction with an arginine side chain in the protein) to provide the extra stability required at this unique step in transcription.The initiation of transcription imposes some unique mechanistic requirements on an RNA polymerase. In contrast to events occurring during elongation, at the initial step of transcription initiation, two substrate nucleoside triphosphate molecules must position accurately in the active site. Clearly a part of the binding energetics is derived from Watson-Crick interactions between the incoming bases and those in the template strand of DNA, but just as clearly, base pairing interactions are not sufficient to provide the binding energetics required for full function. Indeed, a single Watson-Crick base pair is unstable in solution (1).It is understood that for the Watson-Crick placement of the elongating nucleotide (position ϩ2 at initiation), additional energy for binding of the nucleotide comes from interactions between its triphosphate, magnesium, and protein functional groups (2-5). This interaction would not be expected to be important in binding the initiating (ϩ1) nucleotide, and it has been shown in the T7 system that guanosine monophosphate and even the nucleoside guanosine have K m values comparable to or lower than that of the triphosphate GTP (6). Some additional interaction(s) must be at play.Most RNA polymerases show some preference for the initial base of the transcript. Escherichia coli RNA polymerase promoters often initiate with ATP, although some promoters begin with other NTPs at the first position in the transcript (7,8). Of the 17 phage RNA polymerase promoters in the T7 genome, the canonical ϩ1 position of 15 begins with GTP, while two promoters begin with ATP (9). Recent studies have demonstrated that ...