SUMMARYThe assembly of DNA into nucleosomal and supranucleosomal chromatin structures has been studied (i) by injection of circular DNA molecules (plasmids) into nuclei of Pleurodeles waltlii oocytes ; and (ii) by in vitro incubation of plasmid molecules with the supernatant fraction from oocyte nuclei of Pleurodeles and X enopus laevis, followed by purification of nucleoprotein structures formed with sucrose gradient centrifugation . [n both types of experiments , spread preparations of the newly assembled and transcriptionally inactive chromatin , examined by electron microscopy , show dense globular higher order (supranucleosomal) packing forms. Under partially relaxing (low salt) preparation conditions granular chromatin subunits of about 30 nm diameter can be seen either as widely spaced particles or in closely packed aggregates. The transcriptionally inactive endogenous chromatin of chromomeres of lampbrush chromosomes is arranged in similar higher order chromatin units. A correlation is found between the sizes of the DN A molecule probes used and the numbers of nucleosomes and higher order globules in the assembled chromatin structures. After prolonged dispersion in low salt buffers , these globular chromatin units unfold into chains of7-12 nucleosomes. The results support the concept that chromatin is arranged , under physiological ion concentrations as they are present in the nucleus , in supranucleosomal units of globular morphology.When purified DNA molecules such as viral genomes , amplified ribosomal DNA (rDNA), mitochondrial DNA (mitDNA) , or prokaryotic plasmids, with and without inserts of eukaryotic genes, are injected into nuclei of X enopus laevis oocytes, they are assembled with the stored endogenous his tones into chromatin with nucleosomal configuration [1][2][3]. Some kinds of injected molecules are, at least in part, efficiently and correctly transcribed [e.g. 2,4-15]' Although difficult to quantitate, biochemical and electron microscopic evidence indicates that a large proportion of the injected DNA is not transcribed at all [2,6,8]. We became interested in the question as to whether this inactive DNA is, besides being assembled into a nucleofilament composed of a chain of nucleosomes [1][2][3], also condensed into higher order structures [e.g. 16-18] , and how the structural organization of this newly assembled chromatin relates to that of the endogenous chromatin. In the present report we provide evidence for a compaction of DNA molecules into nucleosomes and also into higher order (supranucleosomal) structures of granular morphology. These higher order structures are observed after injection of DNA into oocyte nuclei, as well as after incubation of DNA with the supernatant fraction of oocyte nuclear homogenates. The latter in vitro Exp Cell R es 129 (1980)