We present a procedure to construct a configuration-interaction expansion containing arbitrary excitations from an underlying full-configuration-interaction-type wave function defined for a very large active space. Our procedure is based on the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm that provides the necessary information in terms of the eigenstates of the reduced density matrices to calculate the coefficient of any basis state in the many-particle Hilbert space. Since the dimension of the Hilbert space scales binomially with the size of the active space, a sophisticated Monte Carlo sampling routine is employed. This sampling algorithm can also construct such configurationinteraction-type wave functions from any other type of tensor network states. The configurationinteraction information obtained serves several purposes. It yields a qualitatively correct description of the molecule's electronic structure, it allows us to analyze DMRG wave functions converged for the same molecular system but with different parameter sets (e.g., different numbers of active-system (block) states), and it can be considered a balanced reference for the application of a subsequent standard multi-reference configuration-interaction method.