The effect of various added surfactants S on the activity of surface active ruthenium complexes RuL n (n = 8, 16) in transfer hydrogenation of ketones in water was investigated. The catalysts RuL n capable of forming mixed micelles with S showed an increase of activity. RuL 16 can form mixed micelles with all types of S, while less surface active counterpart RuL 8 strongly interacts only with anionic and zwitter-ionic S. The mixtures of anionic surfactants with RuL 8 demonstrated strong synergic enhancement of their activities by up to two orders of magnitude in hydrogenation of hydrophobic ketones. In mixed micelles the added surfactant lowers the cmc of RuL n giving better emulsification of the substrate. It was also shown that careful choice of surfactant S allowed for better and controlled hydration of the mixed micelles RuL n /S. Both aspects concurred to achieve higher catalytic performances in hydrophobic ketones reduction. For example, in RuL n /S better hydrated alkane sulfonate DSS always excelled less hydrated alkyl sulfate SDS.