Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) is the terminal enzyme of the respiratory chain and couples energetically the reduction of oxygen to water to proton pumping across the membrane. The results from previous studies showed that proton pumping can be uncoupled from the O 2-reduction reaction by replacement of one single residue, Asn-139 by Asp (N139D), located Ϸ30 Å from the catalytic site, in the D-proton pathway. The uncoupling was correlated with an increase in the pK a of an internal proton donor, Glu-286, from Ϸ9.4 to >11. Here, we show that replacement of the acidic residue, Asp-132 by Asn in the N139D CcO (D132N͞N139D double-mutant CcO) results in restoration of the Glu-286 pK a to the original value and recoupling of the proton pump during steady-state turnover. Furthermore, a kinetic investigation of the specific reaction steps in the D132N͞N139D double-mutant CcO showed that proton pumping is sustained even if proton uptake from solution, through the D-pathway, is slowed. However, during single-turnover oxidation of the fully reduced CcO the P 3 F transition, which does not involve electron transfer to the catalytic site, was not coupled to proton pumping. The results provide insights into the mechanism of proton pumping by CcO and the structural elements involved in this process.cytochrome oxidase ͉ electron transfer ͉ gating ͉ proton transfer