Timing analysis of high-order networks has been an important issue in system study. The delay is one of the important parameters to characterize a system and can be obtained from the transfer function of the system. With smaller feature sizes and increasing clock frequencies of today's semiconductor technology, interconnections between logic gates may actually be the dominant contributors of delay. In addition, interconnect effects such as ringing, reflection, crosstalk, dispersion and attenuation may corrupt logic signals and degrade system performance. These effects are not always handled appropriately, accurately or efficiently by the present levels of circuit simulators. This thesis is to study and analyze the delay of interconnect structures and various networks containing large linear structures with nonlinear terminations. Approximation methods to compute delays of large interconnect networks are investigated. An approach for systematic interconnect design is to express the system behavior by poles and zeros. However, for a large interconnect network, computations of poles and zeros are extremely time-consuming. The time and accuracy performances of exact methods versus two approximate fast methods, the asymptotic waveform evaluation (AWE) technique and Pade approximation, are compared in evaluating the delays of circuits.