Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TC) was initially recognized in Japan in 1990. The typical patient is a postmenopausal woman with symptoms that mimic an acute coronary syndrome generally following physical or emotional stress. The EKG will typically have dynamic ST segment changes, while the angiogram will usually show normal coronary arteries. In classic TC, the left ventriculogram typically shows akinesis and ballooning of the apex with a normal or hyperdynamic base. Several variants of TC have been described. In this case report, we describe a midventricular variant of TC in a 64-year-old Hispanic female. The patient had chest pain, shortness of breath, elevated cardiac enzymes, and ST-segment elevations in leads II, aVF, and V5-V6. Coronary angiography revealed normal coronary arteries. Left ventriculogram showed hypokinesis of the midventricular segment and hyperdynamic apical and basal regions. Although the exact mechanism of TC is unknown, several theories include loss of estrogen, catecholamine or neurohumoral stimulation, coronary artery spasm, and left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction.