Studies in our organometallic subgroup are aimed at the design and development of new catalytic reactions, with an emphasis on processes that, in the absence of catalysts, would be forbidden or would require harsh conditions. [1,2] These studies have thus far produced the first examples of transition-metal-catalyzed [4þ4] cycloadditions of bisdienes, [3] [4þ2] cycloadditions of dienynes (and diene allenes), [4] [5þ2] cycloadditions of vinylcyclopropanes and p systems, [5] and [6þ2] cycloadditions of vinylcyclobutanones and p systems.[6] Recently, we started to investigate whether these and other two-component [mþn] cycloadditions could be converted into multicomponent [mþnþo…þx)] processes through trapping of the organometallic intermediates with additional components. [7] These investigations have thus far led to the first metal-catalyzed, three-component [5þ2þ1] cycloaddition reactions based on trapping of an intermediate in the [5þ2] cycloaddition reaction with CO.[8] The current study was directed at determining whether intermediates in the [4þ2] cycloaddition of dienynes could be similarly trapped with CO.Outlined in Scheme 1 are three competing metal-catalyzed cycloaddition pathways available for a dienyne in the